The Benefits of Diverse and Inclusive Virtual Workplaces
As more companies adopt remote and hybrid work policies, virtual workplaces are becoming the norm. With employees spread across states or even countries, ensuring that virtual workplaces are diverse and inclusive is crucial. Research clearly shows that diverse and inclusive work environments provide immense benefits not just for individual employees but for teams, organizations, and society as a whole.
Fostering Diversity Drives Innovation
Teams comprised of employees with varied backgrounds in terms of gender, race, age, abilities, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and cultural upbringing tend to be more creative, innovative and willing to take risks. People who have faced discrimination or adversity often offer fresh, outside-the-box perspectives. Bringing together employees with different life experiences, thought processes and problem-solving techniques leads to better decision making, product development, and solutions to complex issues.
Inclusive Cultures Enhance Employee Well-Being
For employees to contribute fully, they need to feel respected, valued and able to express their authentic selves without fear. Fostering an inclusive culture where all employees feel psychologically safe to share ideas, give input, and take risks without judgement or penalty results in higher employee engagement, satisfaction, belonging and well-being. Research confirms that when employees feel included, they are more productive, motivated, committed to their work, and less likely to suffer issues like anxiety, depression or isolation.
Diverse Teams Improve Financial Performance
While social justice issues provide strong ethical grounds for pursuing diversity and inclusion initiatives, the business case is just as compelling. Numerous studies confirm that companies reap substantial bottom-line benefits from diversity and inclusion efforts. Companies with greater demographic diversity (gender, race/ethnicity) on their leadership teams and boards tend to achieve higher profits. The reasons stem from enhanced creativity, decision making, problem solving, talent recruitment and retention, customer service, staff cooperation and other aspects that drive financial success.
Virtual Workplaces Can Leverage Technology
Creating inclusive cultures may seem more challenging when employees are not regularly connecting face-to-face. However, through thoughtful leadership and leveraging available technologies, geographically dispersed companies can foster robust inclusion. Virtual water cooler gatherings via video chat, employee resource groups on messaging platforms, anonymous feedback channels, and mentorship programs pairing remote staff are just some examples. Conducting asynchronous brainstorming sessions online allows equal participation. Offering flexibility for caregivers, persons with disabilities and those from marginalized groups makes inclusion more attainable.
Modeling Inclusive Behaviors from the Top Down
Executives and people managers set the tone when it comes to organizational culture and norms. Ensuring leaders champion and role model inclusive behaviors is vital for cultivating psychological safety and belonging among distributed staff. Actions like actively soliciting input from introverted or quiet personalities during video meetings, calling out and correcting subconscious biases as they occur, and showing genuine interest in employees lives outside of work can ripple through organizations. Onboarding and management training focused on mitigating harassment, micro aggressions and informing acceptable conduct are also key.
The Way Forward
Transitioning to increasingly virtual workplaces represents a pivotal opportunity to examine, recalibrate and reshape company cultures to be diverse, equitable and inclusive. The ethical, innovation, financial, recruitment and employee wellbeing benefits promise to be enormous. However, inclusion requires being intentional to ensure employees of all identities, abilities and backgrounds feel valued, heard and like they authentically belong. The ideas presented here provide a roadmap toward realizing the vast potential of diverse and inclusive virtual teams, companies and society.